
Silje Kåfjord vocal
Bernt Moen upright piano

CD info

Catalogue No LOS 293-2
EAN: 7090025832932

All music composed by Silje Kåfjord (except “Stranger” which is composed by Silje Kåfjord and Bernt Moen)
All arrangements by Silje Kåfjord and Bernt Moen
Recorded April 2014 at Dakkota Studio by Ørnulv Brun Snortheim, Hamar, Norway
Mixed and mastered May 2014 by Ørnulv Brun Snortheim, Hamar
Re-mastered in September 2023 by Hans Uhre, Kristiansand, Norway
Produced by Bernt Moen
Executive producer Odd Gjelsnes
Inside cover photo by Tobias Øymo Solbakk
Cover photo by gunhild S andersen
Design by Max Franosch
This recording is supported by the PMRU group and the Research Committee at the University of Agder, Norway

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This is a tribute to autumn, about the sadness and solitude one often feels when the seasons change from warm to cold, how the world gets smaller and closes in on you, but also the love for holding on to the feeling of loneliness. The way autumn always surprises you with solitude, coldness, beauty, aching and yearning also reminds me of the different stages of love and heartbreak.

Big Cities
This song is about the feeling of not fitting in, but mostly it´s about the beauty of nature and how we so often forget to just exist and relax in a society of always wanting more, getting somewhere, being more, being better. It´s about feeling trapped in an urban world, and my personal need to be close to the sea, the woods and the fields, away from the chaotic cities where everyone is so obsessed with getting somewhere all the time.

Little Things
This is your typical love song about the naive first, big love. How the little things mean so much and doesn´t always turn out to be what you needed. How it is so hard to let go because it´s what you think you want.

About being young and trying to find your place in the world. All the missteps and all the mistakes and hurt one goes through on the path to becoming a grownup. It’s also about the feeling of being trapped in adolescence and that it can feel hopeless, lonely, scary and painful to step into something new and unknown.

A composition celebrating hope, even when everything feels hopeless.

The Owl
The wholesome one. A composition about having the confidence and courage to believe in yourself and that you can take on the world and get through the hardship of life. The importance of having someone you care about who also cares about you, someone who can make you realize you don´t have to go through the struggles of life alone.

When you think you know someone and realizes that knowing someone to the core is an impossible mission. When they do something you never knew them to be capable of. How it can be both shocking and hurtful to a point where the person slowly fades away and you are left with a little less of the ability to trust someone.

Resting Place
This one is for Yngve, my amazing brother.

Bernts thoughts about the recording process
“We recorded the album at Dakkota Studio (a former barn) in Hamar, Norway. Me and Silje have been working together for some time and we have performed numerous of concerts as a duo over the years. It was natural to do the recording in the same way as our live performances. Silje was standing right next to me and you can hear her moving around the microphone for the dynamics and all the mechanical noises of the superb upright piano I had the pleasure of playing. As honest as it can get, just Silje and me playing together”.