Dzijan Emin  french horn, melodica
Luca Aquino  trumpet, flugelhorn
Georgi Sareski  guitar
Ernst Reijseger  cello

Composed by Georgi Sareski: tracks 1, 2, 6, 8 & 9
Composed by Dzijan Emin: track4
Composed by the band: tracks 3, 5, 7, 10 & 13


CD: LOS 110-2
EAN: 7090025831102

Recorded in Hilversum, Holland October 2010 by Dick Lucas
Mixing and mastering by Alen-Hadzi Stefanov and Dzijan Emin at Jazz FM, Skopje
Final mastering at Rainbow Studio, Oslo
Produced by Enrico Blumer
Front Cover Photo Finn Aasum

The Skopje Connection is a unique trio, put together by the Italian producer Enrico Blumer, and featuring the new Italian rising star, Luca Aquino on trumpet, and two of Macedonia’s leading contemporary and jazz musicians, Dzijan Emin on French horn and melodeon, and Georgi Sareski on acoustic guitar. For this special project they are joined by one of the most renowned contemporary European musician, the Dutch cellist Ernst Reijseger. These four musicians come from very different cultural and musical backgrounds as they meet with kindred sensibility and musicianship. The highly emotional songs, sophisticated sound, fantastic interplay and dream like ambience, are just few of the characteristics that make the Skopje Connection a one-of-a-kind listening experience. A tranquil and yet powerful music that deeply resonates within the human soul.   Download Press Release (PDF)