
Lage Lund guitar
Will Vinson saxophone
Orlando le Fleming bass

Track 1: Duke Ellington 2: Jim Hall 3: Paul Weston/Alex Stordahl/Sammy Cahn 4+7+10: OWL Trio 5: John Coltrane 6: Jerome Kern 8: Gus Arnheim/Neil Moret/Harry Tobias 9: Cole Porter 11 Tonino Horta Tracks 4, 7, 10: published by Flemtunes


CD: LOS 123-2
EAN: 7090025831232

Recorded in Brooklyn May 26, 2011 by Jimmy Katz
Mixed and produced by Jimmy Katz
Mastered by Katsuhiko Naito
Front cover photo Petter Furuseth

The OWL trio is a new chamber jazz ensemble borne of the 10- year musical relationship between bassist Orlando le Fleming, saxophonist Will Vinson and guitarist Lage Lund. Their debut, eponymous, CD was recorded in an abandoned church in Brooklyn by Jimmy Katz. This recording is characterized by its seamless juxtaposition of Jazz Standards and free improvisations, with complete attention to purity of sound. Each of the musicians is highly accomplished and recognized in his own right.

Jazz Times calls le Fleming “a deep-toned walker with an impeccable sense of time”, and the New York Times describes him as a “grounding force”. Vinson is “marvelous” and “drills a hole through the music, boxing like a sprightly Olympic welterweight” according to Jazz Times, and the Guardian describes him as “spectacular, adroit and sophisticated”. The New York Times lauds Lund’s “casual magnetism”, and the critic David Adler describes him as “burning down the house with one impossibly deft solo after another”. The group’s fi rst performance at the Rochester Jazz Festival was a hit according to the Rochester City Newspaper: “Lund’s gorgeous playing, Vinson’s sinuous sound, and le Fleming’s sturdy anchoring made for a dream-like sound in a perfect setting”.


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