CD info

Release No: LOS 228-2
EAN: 7090025832284

Recorded August 2018 by Asle Karstad at Rainbow Studio, Oslo
Mixed June 2019 by Ståle Storløkken at Heaven Hill Studio
Mastered August 2019 by Karl Klaseide at Øra Mastering
Produced by Tone Åse and Ståle Storløkken
Front cover photo by Kjersti Holst

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Ut = Inn («Outwards = Inwards») is a collaborative composition by Tone Åse and vocal ensemble Oslo 14. Åse wanted to explore how musical ideas, associations, and new sounds and meanings can appear when we listen closely to sounds that surround us in our daily live. The found sounds in the composition were collected by the vocalists in the ensemble, and they also produced texts, triggered by the sounds they chose to collect. This material became the point of departure for Åse’s composing, and the work was developed further through workshops with the ensemble. The different frameworks for improvisation call for the same state of listening focus and awareness that the piece is exploring. The work has 8 connected parts/landscapes that are meant to be listened to as a whole.

Tone Åse is using voice sound, extended techniques, electronically processed sound and recorded sound in her work as improviser and composer in general. She is exploring he merging of sound and song, and the mediation between sonic, melodic and rhythmical parameters and words/text both as sonic material and as meaning. She sees the electronic possibilities as an extension of the vocal instrument, and together with the collective improvisation seeks to open up a place for the vocalist to take on new roles in the interplay.

Her work is developed through her collaborations with her trio BOL , her duo Voxpheria ,and a range of other projects. Her experimental work with the vocal ensemble started as a founding member of Kvitretten (1991-2001) and continued as a member of, and for 2006-2011 artistic leader of, the improvising vocal ensemble Trondheim Voices. Åse  has released several albums with her own music and ensembles, and has also composed music for film, theatre, various ensembles and projects. Åse is from 2012 also Associate professor at Department of Music, NTNU, where her main area is improvisation.

Oslo 14 vocal ensemble was established in 2014 by singer/composer Elin Rosseland and Østnorsk jazzsenter, and consists of a pool of 20 improvisational singers. In 2017 singer/composer Andreas Backer took over as artistic director.

Oslo 14 explores the different possibilities and extended techniques of the human voice in various musical settings, as an improvising group and in collaborations with Norwegian contemporary composers.