Synnøve Rognlien vocal
Frank Kvinge ac. & el. guitar


CD: LOS 113-2
EAN: 7090025831133

Track 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10 recorded live in Drøbak, Gjøvik, Lillehammer, Rjukan
Track 2 & 6 recorded at Rainbow Studio by Jan Erik Kongshaug
Track 5 recorded at Kvinge Studio
Mixed and mastered at Rainbow Studio, by Jan Erik Kongshaug November 2011
Cover Photo by Tom Sandberg

Frank Kvinge hails from Sandnes, in the South West of Norway. After completing his musical education in California, he moved to Chicago where he worked as a professional musician for several years. He came back to Norway in 2002 and now lives just outside Oslo. Frank Kvinge released his fi rst CD on Losen Records in January 2011. Arctic Skyway (LOS 103-2).

Synnøve Rognlien studied folk music at Telemark High School. She has cooperated with all sorts of musicians from as different genres as the rock guitarist Ronni le Tekrø, the percussionist Javid Asfari Rad and the star folk singer Sondre Bratland. She released her fi rst CD in 2008 on Kirkelig Kulturverksted (KKV).


Synnøve and Frank met a few years ago by chance at Oslo’s Rainbow Studio. This meeting led to several concerts as the Kvinge & Rognlien duo. Frank recorded some of these concerts and it is the best tracks from these concerts that we hear on this CD. In addition, you will hear three studio recordings.


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