
Kristin Norderval /Nusch Werchowska / Ida Heidel

Kristin Norderval – song and electronics / Nusch Werchowska – piano (playing inside-outside and even on the tangents) / Ida Heidel – flutes and percussion. A deeply original lady-trio with music reminiscent of T. Monk/Cecil Taylor from the piano side at times, into new music/classical on the other side. The soprano singer Kristin Norderval´s voice both wordless and with words is carrying us into new landscapes most people have not heard of and the lovely bass flute of Ida Heidel is setting her mood on the music in addition to a lot of percussion work from her side. It is a great variety of moods in this music that is recorded here at Studio Barxeta, Spain these days with the last recording day being tomorrow Friday Sept. 4.  All open minded listeners have something to look forward to.