
Mathias Hagen saxophone
Henrik Sandstad Dalen upright bass
Øystein Aarnes Vik drums

CD info

Catalogue No: LOS 302-2
EAN: 7090025833021

All compositions by Mathias Hagen

Recorded May 2023 by Christian Løken at Kapsel Studio, Oslo, Norway
Mixed January 2024 by Arne Martin Nybo
Mastered March 2024 by Arne Martin Nybo
Produced by Arne Martin Nybo and Mathias Hagen
Executive producer Odd Gjelsnes
Band photo by Mathias Hagen
Cover photo by Kjersti Holst
Design by Max Franosch

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GARDEN is a trio from Norway consisting of Mathias Hagen on saxophones, Henrik Dalen on double bass and Øystein Aarnes Vik on drums. The project was started in 2016 in a larger format and has existed in its current form since the fall of 2022. The band plays original compositions by Hagen, drawing inspiration from the tone language and rhythm of Middle Eastern music, and the form and voice-leading from the baroque period of European classical music. The members of the group all come from different backgrounds within improvisational music and bring their own unique sound and ideas to create a musical plattform for interplay and creative expression. The result is an exciting sound with clear roots in European energy-jazz and folk music.