
Runar Nørsett piano
Fredrik Sahlander bass
Tobias Øymo Solbakk drums
Randy Brecker trumpet
Ada Royatti saxophone

CD info

Catalogue No: LOS 298-2
EAN: 7090025832987

All compositions by Runar Nørsett
Music arranged by Runar Nørsett, Fredrik Sahlander, and Tobias Øymo Solbakk
Horns arranged by Runar Nørsett
Recorded October 2023 by Jaran Gustavson at Studio A, University of Agder, Norway
Mixed and mastered April and May 2024 by Roald Råsberg at Sanden Studio, Kristiansand, Norway
Produced by Runar Nørsett
Co-produced by Fredrik Sahlander, Tobias Øymo Solbakk, and Jaran Gustavson
Executive producer Odd Gjelsnes
Piano technician Åse Gundersen Tveit
Piano tuning Kjell Sverre Fardal
Cover photo by Oddvar Paulsen
Design by Max Franosch

Randy Brecker is a Yamaha artist
Ada Rovatti and Randy Brecker appear Courtesy of Piloo Records

LOS298ATMOS       EAN: 7090025838507

Denne musikken kan man lytte til i Dolby Atmos på Apple, Tidal og eventuelt andre digitale selskaper som tilbyr denne kvaliteten

This music can be listened to in Dolby Atmos on Apple, Tidal and whatever other digital companies that offer this super high quality


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Three years have passed since our last album, and the world is changing. Again. Corona and lockdown were upon us three years ago; today, the pandemic is only a bleak shadow in our minds. Now, there are wars on our
continent and in the Middle East. Headlines about economic instability, corruption, and increasing social inequality are shouting at us in caps lock, and democracy is facing its gravest challenges in modern times. Where is the world heading? I don’t know, and nobody can know for sure. I know we are constantly on our way, regardless of the direction. With this album, I have tried to make music that doesn’t pretend to be anything else than just music. Music with passion, humour, energy and hopefully a feeling of escape from some of our worries on this endless journey into the future.

Runar Nørsett, May 2024