
Asmundsen & Co

We are happy to announce that we have agreed with this band of renown Norwegian musicians to release their first CD on Losen Records in early 2017. The music is a homage to the great Einar «Pastor´n» Iversen. A world famous Norwegian piano player that has been active for decades and has played «with them all». Now while he is not so active on the music scene anymore – what is then better than a bunch of experienced musicians playing his music. I have heard some of the music.  It is a beautiful homage. Einar is turning 86 years of age, Wednesday July 27. A big congratulations.

Vidar Johansen – tenor sax.  Magnus Aannestad Oseth – trumpet. Rune Klakegg – piano. Tine Asmundsen – acoustic bass. Terje Engen – drums