
Per Mathisen acoustic upright & electric bassses, sound effects
Nguyen Lé guitar, sound effects
Audun Kleive drums

CD info

Catalogue No: LOS 274-2
EAN: 7090025832741

All compositions by Per Mathisen, except # 8, composed by all 3 musicians
All tracks recorded live in the studio

Recorded February 2023 by Sven Andréen at Klokkereint Studio, Gjøvik, Norway
Mixed March 2023 by Audun Kleive and Sven Andréen at Klokkereint Studio
Mastered March 2023 by Sven Andréen at Klokkereint Studio
Produced by Audun Kleive and Per Mathisen
Executive producer Odd Gjelsnes
Cover photo by Zoran Ćirić, official Nišville photographer, edited by Tatjana Topic
Musician photos by Tatjana Topic
Per Mathisen plays EBS amps and effects, Elixir strings, Dilian Obretenov basses and Kolstein upright acoustic bass
Nguyên Lê appears courtesy of ACT Records
Financial support by Fond for lyd og bilde & Fond for utøvende kunstnere

Kjøp plater direkte fra Losen Records. Kr 200,- per CD inkl. porto. Vipps til 99 00 61 90 og mail navn og adresse til

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Download Press Release (PDF)

Dear Listener!
Thank you very much for picking up a copy of this recording, I really hope you’ll enjoy listening to it as much as we did making it. Believe me it was a thrill from start to end with these 2 incredible musicians. They both performing with their completely original musical voices, and I sincerely think the joy and excitement, we had in the studio, can be heard shining through the music.

All the tunes, with their titles, are connected to the Viking way, how they were reading the sea  and nature, what they had to deal with and knowledge they understood.

  1. Birds’ Unrest: When the birds are stressed about something, giving a warning sign to the sailors that weather can change.
  2. Weather Ahead: When they discovered bad weather coming towards them.
  3. Calming Sea: When the ocean is very pleasant and relaxing.
  4. On The Horizon: Sailors always looks at the horizon to be prepared for whatever comes their way.
  5. Silenced Sails: When there is no wind and the boat is just moving slowly up and down in old waves, not going forward.
  6. Infiltration: When an enemy from the outside infiltrated the group, pretended to be friendly but was sent as a spy.
  7. Navigating Stars: The Vikings were extremely good navigators and used the stars to find the way around the globe.
  8. Free At Last: The tune is a completely FREE improvisation and the LAST track on the record. Actually the 3 different instruments are not recorded at the same time and even without having heard what the others did. The 3 instrument tracks are just mixed together from start to end without any edits or cut. A truly spiritual match that cannot be explained happened. Free At Last meaning of course also what we all are fighting for.

Yours truly, Per “BASS VIKING” Mathisen